Post event website - GS1 Healthcare Conference, San Francisco, 1-3 October 2013
Thank you for attending the 24th Global GS1 Healthcare Conference.
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Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Plenary session
- The UDI rule - details of the new requirements - Jay Crowley, U.S. FDA
- An update on the barcode guideline for medical devices in Japan - Tomohiro Inoue, Japanese Ministry for Health, Welfare and Labour
- Status of UDI guidance at the IMDRF - Laurent Selles, IMDRF (video)
- GMDN as substantial part of UDI: how to get and apply GMDN codes to medical devices - Mark Wasmuth, CEO, GMDN Agency
- The experiences of NSW in using a product catalogue for procurement in their hospitals - Valentino Bulaon, Business Procurement Services, HealthShare NSW, New South Wales Government, Australia
- The benefits of UDI: the perspective of a major US GPO - Joe Pleasant, Premier
- The wholesaler's point of view on UDI - Implementation, processes and benefits - Ron Bone, McKesson
- How to implement UDI : Operational challenges of implementing the regulation in a global organisation - Tom Werthwine, Johnson & Johnson
- Healthcare Provider Advisory Council Awards
Implementation reality
- How to identify/mark my medical device products
- How to get ready to provide the requested data to the FDA Global UDI Database (GUDID)
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Plenary session
- Processes and measures to ensure srug security and integrity at a federal level - Connie Jung, U.S. FDA - no presentation
- The ePedigree regulation in California: an update on details and timelines - Virginia Herold, California Board of Pharmacy
- How to make traceability a reality - Yeliz Geris, GS1 Türkiye
- The successful implementation of traceability in Argentina - Dra. Jésica Carino, ANMAT, Argentina
- Crossing the border: IPM as a tool against counterfeiting - Benoit Goyens, World Customs Organization
- ESM - The European Stakeholder model - Grant Courtney, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
- RX360: Major manufacturers and other stakeholders working together for drug integrity - Brian Johnson, Pfizer
Implementation reality sessions
- How to fulfill the requirements in California? What does traceability mean for a manufacturer?
- Traceability is central to requirements of regulatory bodies across the world. What are the different developments and models across the world? How to implement? Where to start?
Round 1
Round 2 - The Healthcare Transformation Group (HTG) advises: How to start implementation of standards in hospitals?
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Plenary session
- UDI outcomes research at a hospital - Dr. Joseph P. Drozda, Mercy Health
- Traceability in Real Life: implementations in a hospital following regulations in Argentina - Dra. Heidi Wimmers, Hospital Alemán, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Implementation pilot for 2D barcode for vaccines: overview and findings - Dr. Erin Kennedy, United States Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Immunization Services Division
- Barcoding for efficient handling in the vaccine supply chain in Tanzania - Brian Lee, Merck, Co-Chair of World Health Organisation (WHO) / Vaccines
- The next Global GS1 Healthcare Conference in South Korea - Kim Kyungjong, President, GS1 South Korea
Poster sessions
Australian Healthcare sector adopts GS1 Bar Codes
ANMAT marking the way
Endorsement Paper
Charité Hospital (Germany)
Mobile Access
Ireland: safer surgery saves lives