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Plenary session – UDI
- UDI in Europe - Mr. Salvatore Scalzo, Policy and Legal Officer, Medical Devices, DG GROW, European Commission
- UDI in the US - Ms. Terrie Reed, Senior Advisor for UDI Adoption, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- UDI in Turkey - Dr. Yalçın Soysal, Head of Department, Department of Medical Devices Registration and Coordination, Ministry of Health, Turkey
- Global Medical Technology Alliance discussing International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) - Ms. Jackie Elkin, Global Process Owner Standard Product Identification, Global Regulatory Affairs, Medtronic, U.S.
Plenary session – Imagine one world, one standard, one vision: Improving Patient Safety
- GS1 Healthcare Provider Implementation Best Case Study Awards:
- Implementation of GS1 standards at Centro Medico Imbanaco - Mr. José Luis Sabogal, IT Manager, Centro Medico Imbanaco, Colombia
- Invitation to next conference in Bogota, Colombia - Mr. Rafael Florez, CEO, GS1 Colombia
- Closing remarks - Mr. Mike Rose, Vice President, Supply Chain Visibility, Johnson & Johnson, U.S.