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GS1 Healthcare Executive Dialogues

Securing trust in the global COVID-19 supply chain

Securing Trust in the global Covid-19 supply chain

The GS1 Executive Dialogues give you a unique opportunity to get essential practical information to successfully implement GS1 standards in the pandemic context!

GS1 Executive Dialogue about safety and trust in the global COVID-19 supply chain. As we witness the enormous challenges to deliver and administer vaccines around the planet, key healthcare stakeholders need to act together to make vaccination a global success.

The focus of the Executive Dialogues have been COVID and COVID vaccine-related activities – the first talking about Policy, the second was more focussed on projects related to managing COVID and ongoing works about developing a verification system to reduce the risk from falsified and diverted Covid-19 Vaccine. The third edition ​covered greater details of the experience around the world in managing the complex supply chain through to the patient administration process, to reduce the risk from falsified and diverted Covid-19 Vaccines.

Senior executives discussed ongoing works about developing a verification system in digital healthcare to reduce the risk from falsified and diverted COVID-19 vaccines and to improve identification at the point of care.

GS1 Healthcare Executive Dialogues

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GS1 Collaboration

In this difficult time GS1 worked relentlessly to transform this crisis into an opportunity for humanity, working together with partners to address our common challenge in a proactive and constructive manner. In this light, GS1 had the pleasure to collaborate with Deloitte on the distribution of the white paper named “Securing trust in the global COVID-19 supply chain”.

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