A GLN identifying a location answers the question of “where” something has been, is, or will be.
GLN can be used to identify two types of locations: Physical location and digital location.
A physical location is a tangible place that may be represented by an address, coordinates, or other means.
A physical location within another physical location can be allocated its own GLN. Each sub-location is a specific space located on or within another physical location. Under certain circumstances, these sub-locations can be identified with a GLN extension component. Learn more about GLN extension component.
Not all locations stay in a fixed spot. A mobile location refers to something that answers the question, “where?” and is expected to move and can also be allocated a GLN. (e.g., shipping vessels, mobile blood donation van).
Note: Mobile locations may also need to be identified as assets. If so, they would need to separately be assigned a Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) or Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI).
A physical location must be allocated its own GLN when its access address is different from other physical locations and there is a business need to identify the physical location across organisations.
Physical location

Corporate headquarters

Distribution centre


Grocery store

Dock door


Mobile blood donation van

Cold storage within a warehouse


