Beijing 2016 - Presentations
Day 1 - Tuesday
Plenary session - Pharmaceuticals/Traceability from manufacturer to patient
- Welcome to the conference - Ulrike Kreysa, Vice President Healthcare, GS1 Global Office
- Opening of the conference - Miguel A. Lopera, President and CEO, GS1 Global Office
- USA DSCSA requirements and implementation plans - Connie Jung, Senior Advisor for Policy, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Pharmaceutical traceability in China - Gu Lihong, Senior Consultant, The Partnership For Safe Medicines (PSM) China
- Traceability from global manufacturer’s perspective - Mike Dethick, Managing Director, The R&D-based Pharmaceutical Association Committee (RDPAC), China
- EU Falsified Medicine Directive - Jerome Lepeintre, Minister Counsellor for Health and Food Safety, Delegation of the European Union to China and Mongolia
- Evolution of Traceability in Argentina - Maximiliano Derecho, Legal Advisor, ANMAT, Argentina
- Korea pharmaceuticals serialisation policy & national traceability system - Kyoungja Lee, General Director, Pharmaceutical information management division of KPIS, Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, Korea
- Charity - Liu Dong, President, Beijing Chunmiao Children’s Aid Foundation, Director, Division of Cardiac Surgery, Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics (BJU)
Implementation reality sessions
- Pharmaceutical traceability – what does it mean for the manufacturers and wholesalers
- Craig Alan Repec, Senior Manager, Supply Chain Visibility, EPCIS & RFID, GS1 Global Office; Peggy Staver, Drector, Product Integrity, Pfizer; Jeffrey Denton, Senior Director, Secure Supply Chain, AmerisourceBergen Corporation; Michael Rose, Vice President, Supply Chain Visibility, Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain; Scott Mooney, Vice President Distribution Operations, McKesson; Dr. Maximiliano Derecho, Legal Advisor, ANMAT
- Traceability – implementation and benefits for hospitals and retail pharmacies
- Jean-Michel Descoutures, Chief of Pharmacy, Centre Hospitalier Victor Dupouy; Feargal Mc Groarty, National Haemophilia system Project Manager, St. James's Hospital;. Justin Bitter, Business Manager, Bernhoven Hospital; Peter Helmbaek, Senior Consultant, Amgros I/S
Day 2 - Wednesday
Plenary session - Unique Device Identification (UDI) and regulatory Track & Trace initiatives for Medical Devices
- The new MD regulation in Europe - Salvatore Scalzo, Policy and Legal Officer, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Health Technology and Cosmetics, European Commission
- Medical Device Track and Trace System in Turkey Cooperated by Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - Ömer Özkan, Institute Deputy Manager, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Software Technologies Research Institute, Turkey
- UDI regulation & implementation in U.S. - Jay Crowley, VP and UDI Practice Lead, USDM Life Sciences
- Regulation on traceability of medical devices in Argentina - Maximiliano Derecho, Legal Advisor, ANMAT, Argentina
- UDI Implementation from manufacturer’s view - Eva Chow, IT Director, Medtronic
- UDI Implementation in Shanghai Shuguang Hospital - Zhou Hua, President, Shanghai Shuguang Hospital, China
- Global standards for an international company - Kathryn E. Wengel, Worldwide Vice President & Chief Supply Chain Officer, Management committee member, Johnson & Johnson
Implementation Reality Sessions
- UDI Implementation AIDC Marking/Labelling
- Chuck Biss, Senior Director, AIDC Healthcare, GS1 Global Office; Jackie Rae Elkin, Global Process Owner - Standard Product Identification - Global Regulatory Operations and Q&A Moderator, Medtronic. Inc.; Tom Werthwine, Director, Industry Standards, Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain; Stan Malinowski, UDI Lead for GS1 Standards and Marking, Medtronic, Inc.
- UDI – Data/GDSN
- Nick Manzo, Sr. Director Global Industry Development, 1WorldSync; Fengming Mao, GDSN, IT Department, GS1 China; Catherine Koetz, Industry Manager, Healthcare, GS1 Australia
Day 3 - Thursday
Plenary session - Hospital implementation
- Global standards - the foundation for developing hospital information system - Wang Jian, Director of medical affair of medical support department, The General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army
- Implementation of standardised traceability system in Japan - Dr. Chikayuki Ochiai, M.D., D.M.Sc., Professor of Tokyo Healthcare University, Honorary CEO of NTT Medical Center, Tokyo
- National Drug Information Sharing in the Thailand Health Care Supply Chain - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duangpun Kritchanchai, Healthcare Supply Chain Excellence Centre, Centre of Logistics Management, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, Thailand
- HPAC awards
- Winner of the "Healthcare Provider Recognition Award" - Liang Yan, President of the Shanghai Pudong Medical Device Trade Association, China
- Winner of the "Provider Implementation Best Case Study Award" - Hospital de Cascais Lusíadas Saúde, Portugal
- The New Era of Healthcare - Ashley Brooks, NHS Patient Champion, UK
- Invitation to next conference in Berlin, Germany - Juergen Schmitz, Head of Sales, GS1 Germany