The Global Language of Business

Post event- Global GS1 Healthcare Conference

9-11 November 2010, Singapore

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  1. The World of GS1 Standards: An Introduction
  2. Introduction - Ulrike Kreysa, GS1 Global Office
  3. Information technology and improving patient safety in Singapore hospitals: Turning ideas into action - Colleen Brooks, Principal of Standards Division, MOH Holdings Pte Ltd and Co-Chair, MOHH National Health Informatics Technical Committee
  4. Hong Kong Hospital Authority targets world class eHealth: The role of ERP systems in efficient hospital supply chains - Raymond Wong, Head of the Business Support Services, Hong Kong Hospital Authority Head Office
  5. KEYNOTE: Keeping an eye on the big picture: Mayo Clinic's integrated supply chain management - Joe Dudas, Director of Accounting and Supply Chain Informatics, Mayo Clinic, USA
  6. Traceability and serialisation - Responding as a pharmaceutical manufacturer to the challenges - Peggy Staver, Director, Product Integrity, Pfizer
    • Presentation not available
  7. Safeguarding the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain: Industry efforts to further secure the supply chain - Ron Bone, Senior Vice President, Distribution Support, McKesson Corporation
  8. Verification of pharmaceutical products at the point-of-dispense to help address the growing risk of counterfeit medicines - Tomas Wennebo, GS1 Sweden
  9. GS1 and ICCBBA: Working together to ensure compatibility between global standards - Christian Hay, Senior Consultant, GS1 Global Office
  10. ISBT128 Standard for blood and blood components: How it translates to patient safety - Dr. Diana Teo, Director, Blood Services Group, Health Sciences Authority, Singapore
  11. KEYNOTE: Innovation in medical products distribution and hospital management - Prof. Shigekoto Kaihara, Dean, Graduate School, International University of Health and Welfare, Japan
  12. Medical devices: Unambiguous, standardised and harmonised Unique Device Identification (UDI) - Jay Crowley, Senior Advisor for Patient Safety, US FDA
  13. Why it is important for the healthcare industry to reach a global standard for Unique Device Identification now - Volker Zeinar, Global Coordination Auto-ID Affairs, B.Braun
  14. Implementation of a post-market traceability programme for implantable medical devices in Shanghai - Prof. Yan, Liang, Chairman of Shanghai Pudong Medical Device Trade Association
  15. Supply Chain Reform as Part of the Broader eHealth Agenda in Australia - Stephen Johnston, Head of National Infrastructure Services, National eHealth Transition Authority, Australia
  16. Data synchronisation benefits for eProcurement and tendering - GS1 Standards, the National Product Catalogue and eProcurement - Ken Nobbs, Program Manager, Medical Products, National eHealth Transition Authority, Australia
  17. Sharing product master data effectively leveraging the Global Data Synchronisation Network - Mike Wallace, Director Global Standards and Serialization, Abbott Laboratories
  18. Making eCommerce more effective - Synchronising data for improving eCommerce and supply chain management - MJ Wylie, Director, Global Data Standardization, GHX and Steve Capel, Director eBusiness EMEA, Covidien
  19. The challenge: Implementation of the electronic invoice and pack level SSCCs at CH2 - Ged Halstead, Chief Information Officer, CH2, Australia
  20. Evolution for patient safety using laser marking on surgical instruments in Japan - Dr. Seizo Nakata, Director, Itami Municipal Hospital, Japan
  21. Reducing costs in the delivery supply chain at Cook Medical - Claes-H. Wallér, Vice President, Cook Group Europe
  22. Canadian Healthcare Supply Chain Standards Project - Alicia Duval, GS1 Canada
  23. Linking global standards to local requirements in France - Valérie Marchand, GS1 France
  24. US Healthcare community getting ready for adoption of GS1 Standards - Dennis Harrison, GS1 US
  25. Austria hospitals advance GS1 Standards - Barbara Dorner, GS1 Austria
  26. Closing Remarks GS1 Healthcare Tri-Chairs - Volker Zeinar, B.Braun
