HUG Conference 30 January - 1 February 2007, Berlin, Germany
Day 1: 30 January 2007
- Training on GS1 Standards: BarCodes, eCom, GDSN and EPCglobal, GS1 HUG™ Basics, Mission and Vision
- BarCodes and eCom – David Buckley, GS1 Global Office
- GDSN – Rolf Stark, Sinfos
- EPCglobal – Craig Alan Repec, GS1 Germany
- The HUG – Mission and Vision – Rich Hollander, Pfize
- HUG Work Teams
- Auto ID Data – Mark Walchak, Pfizer and Mark Hoyle, Tyco Healthcare
- Communication and Coordination – Jim Willmott, Smiths Medical
- Serialisation – Stephen Hess, Merck
- Regulatory Affairs – Jackie Elkin, Medtronic
- Welcome from GS1 GO – Miguel Lopera, GS1 Global Office, Belgium
- Welcome from GS1 Germany – Jörg Pretzel, GS1 Germany
- Greeting by BBraun – Jürgen Völlkopf, B.Braun
- Federal Ministry of Health, Germany – Dr Ewold Seeba (no slides used)
- View of the Pharmaceutical Full-Line Wholesalers – Lothar Jenne, GIRP (European Association of Pharmaceutical Full-Line Wholsalers)
- Machine-readable marking of the single dose of perforated tablet-blisters – Dr. Werner Kittlaus, ADKA (Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Germany)
Position Paper: Request for the production of single dose-packed drugs - Spain – Projects of the Regional Healthcare Services Areas of Andalusia, Catalonia and Galicia
- China : The New Regulations for Medical Devices – Zexia Huang, GS1 China
- Business Case for Global Standards in Healthcare – Ed Dzwill, J&J Pharma and Dr. Hugh Lockhart, Michigan State University
Day 2: 31 January 2007
- Unit Dose Requirements
- Hospital Tillburg, Netherlands – Albert W. Lenderink
- Hospital Forli, Italy – Silena Sistu and Martina Minguzzi
- University Hospital Geneva – Dr. Pascal Bonnabry
- Hospital Bruges, Belgium – Frankie Meulemann
- Hospital Wiener Krankenanstaltenverbundes (KAV), Austria – Dr. Wolfgagng Gerold
- RFID in Hospitals
- Chelsea and Westminster Hospital London, UK – India Hardy
- HUG Cooperation Partner
- Eucomed (The Voice of Medical Technology Industry un Europe) – Mike Kreuzer, Chairman of the ETF (e-Business Task Force) and Janice Kite, J&J
- e-Catalogue, Classification, GDSN
- Comparatio Health (Purchasing Organisation of University Hospitals in Germany) – Dr. Frank Brüggemann
- Healthcare’s need for GDSN – Tom Werthwine, J&J Medical Devices
- Wanted : the GDSN healthcare extension – Hein Gorter de Vries, GS1 Netherlands
- Classification systems in GS1 – Zoltan Patkai, GS1 Global Office, Belgium
Day 3: 1 February 2007
- HUG Work Teams Feedback Session
- Auto ID Data: wrap up – Mark Hoyle, Tyco Healthcare and Christian Hay, GS1 Switzerland
- Auto ID Data: Hospital Survey – Mark Hoyle, Tyco Healthcare and Christian Hay, GS1 Switzerland
- Serialisation – Stephen Hess, Merck
- GS1 Activities
- EPCglobal HLS BAG (Health Life Science Business Action Group) – Ron Bone, McKesson
- EHI (European Healthcare Initiative) – Nicolas Florin, Chairman
- Local HUGs
- HUG Switzerland – Christian Hay, GS1 Switzerland
- Automation Pilot in logistic process in Public Health System, HUG Chile – Jose Luis San Juan, GS1 Chile
- Australian Healthcare update, HUG Australia and New Zealand – Ulrike Kreysa, GS1 Global Office on behalf of Mark Fuller, GS1 Australia
- New Local HUGs
- Next Conference
- Visit of Phoenix Warehouse